GIS & Mapping Services
We specialize in aerial photo and video, orthomosaics, digital elevation models and natural resource mapping.
General Services
Topographic Surveying and Mapping
Restoration areas - documentation of resource recovery, riparian zones
Roadways and Timber harvest accessibility
Digital Terrain Modeling
High Quality Orthophotography
RTK rectified ground control
Accuracy reporting
GIS Services
GIS Needs Assessments and Implementation Planning
GIS Analysis and Model Development
GIS and GPS Training
GIS/GPS Field Data Collection Systems
Web-based GIS
Forestry Services
Structure from motion
Canopy Height Models
Tree Height
Lidar (future)
Terrain Modeling
Stand Volume (board feet)
Habitat Detection
Multispectral Orthoimagery
Environmental Services
Land Management GIS Support and Analysis
Ecological Modeling
GIS/GPS Field Data Collection Systems